Steven Simpson moved to Yonkers in 2001 and loved the diversity of his community and felt a need to serve the City of Yonkers.
Toward that end, starting in August of 2002 he volunteered his time with and his effort to the Yonkers Office of Emergency Management and would later become a member of the Street Crime Alert Network of Yonkers.
In 2003 Steven Simpson was appointed to the position of Peace Officer for the City of Yonkers.
He rose through the ranks and is currently the Deputy Chief of the Auxiliary Police Unit (APU), responsible for overseeing all operations of the 50-officer unit.
Due in part to his vision and tenacity the APU. underwent a total reorganization and restructuring in 2016 and is said to be one of the best police reserve forces around.
He also formed the Lake Avenue Community Association in 2013.
Some of the accomplished improvements include reinstating a police foot patrol and post, security cameras, repair and revitalization efforts, and adding a ranger to help clean the streets.
He attended and has become involved and immersed in community meetings, and a staunch advocate for improvements to Yonkers.
Steven Simpson is a Board Member of the Hudson River Community Association (HRCA).
The community association is focused on the north west side of Yonkers.
Given Steven Simpson’s propensity for service and community involvement and his strong belief in “Service Above Self” he is an active member of the Yonkers-East Yonkers Rotary.
He is the chair of the Community Grants Committee and the President-Elect of the Club for its centennial year.
In the last election Steven Simpson considered a run for Yonkers City Council District 3 seat that is being vacated by Michael Sabatino.
That seat was eventually won by Tasha Diaz.
Steven Simpson is a board member of the Yonkers PAL.